The first is the One Row Handspun Scarf (minus the handspun part, I'm just using Swish Superwash) for my sister. This one would be done except Meghan specifically asked for a super long scarf, so onward I knit. Here's a small section of it:
Next, Cobblestone. I've just finished up the garter ridge around the bottom and am moving on to the main part of the body. So far, so good (but, really, how could I possibly mess up knitting rounds of garter stitch? This project won't get difficult until it's time to attach sleeves to body. Thinking about that keeps me up at night . . . scary!).
And a bonus photo of my quality assurance officer, Dory, inspecting my work:
And finally, the Drop Stitch Scarf, for MIL. I cast on for this because I needed a portable project, which I no longer had after stupidly deciding to add stripes to Meghan's scarf. This is an easy knit and seems to be working up quickly. Unfortunately, it's hard to see the dropped stitch in the photo, but here it is anyway.
So there you have it, a pictorial of my current knitting life.
Somehow while sleeping, or I guess more likely, half awake with my thoughts wandering, I came up with what I thought was a brilliant project idea for my swap buddy. But alas, when I got up this morning, I checked her MySpace page and it turns out, she lives in Florida. So my winter-y accessory just won't work. Back to the drawing board. :o(
Someone recently pointed me in the direction of an online yarn store that sells some of the most beautiful yarn, The Unique Sheep. Laura is currently running a holiday photo contest, maybe win yourself some yarn and a little place in yarn history. ;o) I need to start dropping some subtle hints to hubby (or Santa?) so I might find some of this beautiful yarn in my stocking Christmas morning.
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