miss t
If you gave me your Rav ID, I'll send you a message there later today to get your shipping details, or if you're super anxious, you can go ahead and send me a message on Rav or at kristen dot jancuk at I'm not going to tell you who gets which prize, so that part will be a surprise. :)
For those interested in the gory details of the winner selection process, I listed all entrants (58 of you) in an excel sheet, so each was assigned a number:

And then had pick out 4 random integers for me (I guess technically I should've done a separate pick for each prize, eliminating those entrants who didn't want certain prizes, but I haven't got all day to run blog contests, and I figured I could easily manage to figure out who shouldn't get what on my own--after all, there are only four of you!).
Thank you all so much for reading my blog and entering my contest. I hope some will continue to read even when I'm not giving things away.
Check back later today, I will post again, waxing poetic about 1 year of blogging, plus I have half an FO to show off!
Happy blogoversary!
oohhhh I'm so excited!!!
I'm (formerly bruisin) on Ravelry & I changed my name to Castrated Bean........
thank you so much for hosting this contest!!!!!
happy blogiversary and congrats to those winners!
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