Sunday, August 26, 2012

Saturday Sampler: 'Round the Virtual Neighborhood

(Shhhh! I know it's not Saturday anymore. Just pretend it is!)

The entire Internet is getting ready for fall, and I am happy to join them. I am sick sick SICK of summer. It's been summer since April. I'm done. I plan to spend today swatching for fall projects (in between working on 2 designs that are due in September!) and making zucchini bread, wishing it were pumpkin bread. (As much as I'm ready for fall, I still follow a strict pumpkin regimen--no pumpkin until the first official day of fall.)

If you're as ready for fall as I am, you'll love this week's sampler.

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Coffee Cake would make a great Halloween or Thanksgiving breakfast.

Autumn Brittle looks crazy fun!

Boots! It's almost time for them. And these are non-leather.

Who's ready for pumpkin spice lattes?? (Yes, doctor says up to 200mg caffeine a day!)

Clear vases filled with fall-ish items make quick and easy autumn decor.

Love this fall squash wreath.

And everyone needs a big, cozy cardi.

1 comment :

Minding My Own Stitches said...

I just had a pina-coloda sorbet in a real half coconut shell. I'm trying the lemon sorbet next and I just wish that my local store carried the green apple ones :)

Summer can last a few more months as far as I'm concerned. Especially if I'm knitting anything that's to be ready for fall!