My hair was nearly at my waist. And now it's . . . not:
Kody was adorable and reminded me quite a bit of my dear friend Gerard, so it's hard to be mad at him--my hair doesn't look bad. There's just not enough of it.
(Washed out iPhone photo made extra hispter-y with Instagram)
On the plus side, my head feels a lot lighter. I bet I lost 2 pounds of hair. Maybe it'll even stop getting caught in my knitting. Must look at the bright side.
And what could be brighter than a sweet shawlette in a vibrant green? Um . . . well, probably lots of stuff, but we're going to focus on the shawlette.
Pattern: Batik, by Kitman Figueroa, size small
Yarn: Forbidden Woolery Twinkle fingering weight (65% merino, 35% bamboo) in Emerald City
Needles: Knit Picks something or other. Whatever size the pattern calls for.
Rav link
Have you guys checked out Leann's shop, Forbidden Woolery? It's full of gorgeous yarn (and roving, if you're into that kind of thing) inspired by legends, stories, and fairy tales. In fact, this yarn is so awesome, Leann's going to be showing off her wares at several shows this fall!
I think Leann was the first knitter I "met" on the Internets--she found my blog when I just started, and still couldn't believe anyone would want to read endless rambling about yarn. So a few months ago when she put out a call for some sample knits to take on tour with her, I jumped right up and said, "Uh, I could probably knit . . . something?" Eventually I managed to cough out the more fully-formed shawl idea, and we decided on the Twinkle yarn, a merino/bamboo mix with drape and sheen perfect for a shawl.

I really enjoyed knitting Kitman Figueroa's Damask shawl, so I decided I would try another of her patterns this time. Everything is perfectly charted, and she includes written instructions as well, so whether you're a chart lover or hater, you'll be happy with her designs. I've never seen mixing of cables and lace in a shawl before, this was a fun pattern to work up.
As always, judicious use of stitch markers is recommended.
This is the small, which is closer to "shawlette" than shawl sized, but still large enough to drape around your shoulders (although maybe your photographer will actually tell you the shawl is bunched up at the back of the neck, and offer to fix it for you. Hmph.)
And the yarn was, of course, a dream to work with--no splitting, no itching. And I want to add, when I went to wind the skein, it did not turn into a snarled spiderweb of riotous wool. I don't know why some yarn purveyors think it's funny to wrap up their skeins in such a way that the strands instantly tangle when you bring them in the vicinity of your swift, but it happens far too often for my taste and drives me into a murderous rage.
(Or, almost-murderous; no one's died. Yet.)
Batik has now made its way to Leann, so mission accomplished, I'm on to another project. Or three.
(Actually, I have 5 projects currently on the needles. At least.)
I happened upon Leann at a fiber fest in May and bought some fiber and Sparkle yarn. Haven't knit with it yet but I'm working on that roving now. Yours, hers and Deirdre's blogs were the first I started reading...can't believe it but about 4 years ago. Crazy how time flies
Your hair looks great. Remember the biggest difference between a good hair cut and and bad hair cut is about 2 weeks. Only in your case it might be a touch longer. I like the shawlette pattern and I like the yarn. See, you batted 300(even with shorter hair).
Linda B.
OK, I think your hair looks AMAZING. I wish I had enough hair (length and fullness) to look that good!
Also, your blog and Leann's were two of the first blogs I started interacting with when I started mine, too. Small world!
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